Download Ruein: Fires of Haraden by G.O. Turner (.ePUB)

Ruein: Fires of Haraden by G.O. Turner (Books of Ruein #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 695 KB
Overview: Ruein’s curse is hers…and should be hers alone. From her cabin’s ashes through the divinity of the Chapel Mount, it has shadowed her. There is no escaping it. Her only reprieve, such a minor necromancer as her should warrant little regard. But now, an aspect of her curse has touched the most vulnerable of her family. Its power—unassailable. With no hope of stopping it herself, Ruein must strike a deal with another being…one that is well beyond her. Within the frozen wastes of the North lies Haraden, a godless land of splendor. Though none may enter without invitation, something deadly has found a way in. If a killer is sought, then who better than a necromancer to find them? In trade for a dragon’s protection, Ruein will answer the Realm’s call. For the people of Haraden? No. For the life of her son.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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