Rogan’s Monsters series by Jack Porter (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 950 KB
Overview: Jack Porter grew up reading fantasy. His current likes include Game of Thrones and The Witcher, but he’ll check out any fantasy or science fiction, especially if it involves cool armor, swordplay, and a great story.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy
1. Wastelands
Death, it seems, isn’t always the end.
I was a soldier, fighting for the lives of the whole damned world, when I went and got myself obliterated by this alien f*ck.
I figured that was it. Game over, done. But then I woke up in a different body, in a strange world full of dust and ruins, with awesome martial arts skills I’d never had before. Not to mention a chi gift thing that seemed to work a lot like magic.
I had no clue why or how it all happened. All I knew was that there were these monster girls I was supposed to protect from an endless horde of semi-human things that wanted us all dead.
And there were these words seared into my brain like a motivational quote: You can save them. You can save ALL of them. Of course, I had no clue who the words referred to, whether there was any truth to them at all, or where to f*cking begin.
2. Below
The Wastes were just the beginning.
I thought the girls and I would be safe once we made it to the caves. I was wrong. Very f*cking wrong.
Monsters, foul creatures like I could barely imagine, descendants of the alien f*cks that had already killed me the first time around. And to make matters worse, the god-damned caverns themselves seemed to be trying to kill us.
Okay, so maybe I was this legendary swordsman with martial arts skills up the wazoo and a powerful chi gift that worked like magic thrown into the bargain. But maybe even that wouldn’t be enough. You can save them. You can save ALL of them. Yeah, right. Good f*cking luck.
3. Temple
The end is near. I can sense it. The temple we’ve been heading toward for so long. The end of our journey.
Standing in our way are the most malign, loathsome, powerful beings ever put on this earth, and their dark chi powers are just plain mental. But I still have my sword, and the things I’m learning to do… Well. We might just have a chance. You can save them. You can save ALL of them. The words have been seared into my brain since this alien f*ck blew me to pieces. It’s time to find out if there’s any truth to them at all.
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