Download Rocking Wall Street by Gary Marks (.PDF)

Rocking Wall Street: Four Powerful Strategies That will Shake Up the Way You Invest, Build Your Wealth And Give You Your Life Back by Gary Marks, John F. Mauldin (Foreword)
Requirements: PDF Reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: With all the different financial products and strategies on the market today, it can be difficult to find an investment approach that′s right for you―one that will actually succeed in "real–time," considering the limited amount of time you have to engage and compete against investment professionals. And while securing your financial future is a critically important endeavor, it′s also important not to get kidnapped by market and media hype or become addicted to the game in the process―so that you can live a fulfilling life with the money you make.
Celebrated money manager and songwriter Gary Marks has been down this road, and along the way, he discovered what it takes to create wealth and enjoy it. Now, with Rocking Wall Street, he wants to show you how to do the same.

Filled with in–depth insights and practical advice, Rocking Wall Street reveals which investment strategies favor the independent investor, and which only benefit the market makers, money managers, and other Wall Street insiders. It skillfully outlines a unique approach for forming risk–averse, multi–manager strategies to lock in financial profits while ingeniously shielding against losses in both bull and bear markets.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Business & Money


With Rocking Wall Street as your guide, you′ll discover how to free yourself from the deadly illusions of "traditional" investing techniques, and how to profit with far less risk than anything a traditional broker or a financial advisor can offer. How can you accomplish this? By following the four key investing strategies described throughout these pages:

1)The Emotional Controls: how to hedge your emotions as well as your investments.

2)Knowing the Difference Between Market Stats and Market Hype: there are market statistics, and then there are statistics that are neatly packaged and marketed to you.

3)Hedged Portfolio Construction: how and why to make hedging techniques the rule, not the exception,in your investment portfolio.

4)Planning for the Future and Seeking "The End Game": seeing your portfolio of assets, your career,and your personal life as one inseparable "investment."

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