Download Robot Empire: Dawn Exodus by Kevin Partner (.ePUB)

Robot Empire: Dawn Exodus by Kevin Partner (Robot Empire #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 200 kb
Overview: A forgotten mission. A fallen empire. A hidden threat.
Arla’s quiet life in the Valley is ripped apart when she learns the truth of the world she thought was the entire universe. A generational Ark ship carved from the inside of an asteroid and sent on its way thirteen centuries ago, Dawn has now arrived at its destination only to find that someone got there first.
A chance encounter with a thief who has stolen a priceless artifact begins a chain of events that ends with Arla having the power of life and death thrust into her hands. Can she trust the representative of a petty kingdom born out of the ashes of the fallen galactic empire? Dare she defy the might of a Destroyer when she has nothing but a skeleton crew, hypochondriac officers and a cargo of peaceful peasants on her side? And where did the robots go?
Dawn: Exodus is the first book in the Robot Empire series of galaxy-sized adventures. If you like fast-paced science fiction in the classic mould of Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury and Bear, you’ll love Kevin Partner’s brand new space adventure.
Genre: Science Fiction


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