Download Riley’s Time Travel Adventures by Victoria Rush (.ePUB)

Riley’s Time Travel Adventures by Victoria Rush (#1-5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.5 MB
Overview: Victoria Rush writes steamy romance and erotica based on her own fantasies.

Riley’s Time Travel Adventures is a continuing series of erotic short stories where young college student Riley uses her newfound time machine to transport from one historical time and place to another.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic Fantasy


Pirate’s Bounty (#1)
Some pirates are good for more than just pillaging and plundering…

When curious college student Riley stumbles upon a lost smartphone, she attempts to unlock it to return it to its owner. But after decrypting the passcode, the screen suddenly emits a swirling three-dimensional funnel hologram.

Holding her hand above the strange apparition, she feels a powerful force pulling her body inside. Moments later, she finds herself transplanted to the crew quarters of an old wooden ship.

When the all-women sailors discover the stowaway, they take her to the captain who reveals that she’s captive aboard the Joan of Arc, a seventeen-century pirate ship. After the captain informs Riley that she’ll have to work to earn her keep, the vessel is soon besieged by a much larger pirate ship.

While receiving an impromptu lesson in swordsmanship, she and the other crew members manage to fend off the invading ruffians, whereupon they find a treasure map aboard the opposing vessel. As the crew sets out to find the location of the mysterious treasure, Riley proves her value using her knowledge of modern weaponry and warfare to help her sexy new crewmates survive one harrowing adventure after another…

Wild West (#2)
In the outlaw frontier of the Wild West, you’re either quick or you’re dead…

When Riley’s time machine transports her to the Wild West of the 1880s, she finds herself in a saloon surrounded by rowdy roughnecks. When one of the hooligans gets a little too personal making a pass at her, she kicks him in the crotch, setting off a melee.

After the affronted cowboy demands retribution, Riley challenges him to a duel in the town square. With the entire town watching from both sides of the street, Riley dispatches her opponent with two well-aimed shots from her six-shooter.

Eager to calm her surging adrenaline, she decides to avail herself of the services of a local prostitute. When she learns that the widowed lady of the house is being besieged by a band of greedy ranchers, she offers to help save her land.

With her reputation as an able gun-for-hire growing rapidly, the mayor offers to set her up as the town sheriff. Soon after, the town is attacked by a drunken band of outlaws, whereupon the citizens rise up to defend the pretty new sheriff.

Satisfied that the newly emboldened citizens are capable of defending their town, Riley sets off for her next time travel adventure as a special forces soldier in WWII Germany…

Private Riley (#3)
Sometimes it takes a woman to disarm the most powerful men…

When Riley’s time machine transports her to WWII Nazi Germany, she finds herself in a platoon of special forces commandos. Their mission is to infiltrate the office of a top SS general and uncover plans for the Wehrmacht’s next strike.

Riley’s job is to get close enough to the general to earn his trust and find the location of his top secret documents. But when one of her teammates is captured and her cover is blown, she and her team must use all of their special skills to escape the tightening dragnet.

When she exposes plans for the advanced development of nuclear weapons, the team decides to blow up the plant used to enrich the necessary uranium and abduct their top scientist. The fate of millions of allied soldiers and the balance of power hangs in the balance while Riley distracts the military brass long enough to turn the tide in the war…

Cleopatra’s Secret (#4)
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it…

When Riley’s time machine transports her to the first century B.C. Egypt, she finds herself a maid in the household of Antony and Cleopatra. Before long, her good looks and knowledge of world affairs brings her special attention from the Egyptian ruler, and they begin a torrid affair.

When Antony discovers their secret liaison, the queen invites him to join in the fun and soon Riley becomes a trusted advisor to them both. After Julius Caesar is assassinated in Rome and Antony loses his political leverage, the newly aligned forces of Caesar Augustus begin closing ranks on Alexandria.

With Riley providing advance intel of their planned invasion, the Egyptian navy is able to fend off the Roman armada long enough for the two rulers to make their escape to Mesopotamia. With the famous lovers able to live out the rest of their days in safety, Riley sets off for her next time travel adventure as a bounty hunter in 2125…

Bounty Hunter 2125 (#5)
On the lawless planet Zemius, there’s a black market for everything…

When Riley’s time machine transports her one hundred years into the future, she finds herself a bounty hunter on the mutinous planet Zemius. Her commission is to track down and bring to justice the notorious warlord Theta.

Surrounded by a band of bloodthirsty thugs, her job isn’t made any easier by the corrupt group of police officers on the warlord’s payroll. But Riley has a secret advantage – her hot body and beauty soon breaks down the band’s defenses and makes it easy for her to gain entrance to their inner sanctum.

When she finally comes face to face with Theta, she’s disarmed by his good looks and charm. Starting a torrid affair with the gang leader, Riley begins to second-guess her mission to bring him in. But when she uncovers evidence of his role in an alien sex trafficking ring, she must use all of her wits escaping the closing dragnet and catch the leader when he’s least expecting it…

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