Download Rigger’s Mistake by Misty Walker (.ePUB)

Rigger’s Mistake by Misty Walker (Sons of Erebus: Reno, NV Book 1) (
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 mb
Overview: I spent the first sixteen years of my life being told I was nothing, and I would’ve kept believing it if she hadn’t come around.

We were a family, and for two whole years, it was us against the world. I kept her safe from the devil, and she kept a hold on my will to live.

Then the day came when I had to leave her behind. It nearly killed me, and I’m sure she still hates me for it, but I had no choice. The devil demanded it.

Armed with the confidence she gave me, I started a new life. Thirteen years later, I’m the VP of the Sons of Erebus, launching a luxury brothel that’ll make my club some serious coin and give us the future we deserve.

I never forgot her, but I didn’t go looking either.

And I sure as hell never expected to see her walking through the doors at The Honey Pot Ranch looking for a job. But when our eyes meet, I know.

It’s her.

The little girl from my past is all grown up. Her mile-long legs, blonde hair, and skimpy outfit clinging to her tight body have me feeling things I shouldn’t.

When I realize why she’s here, fury burns through me.

My stepsister will not be spreading her legs for anyone but me.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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