Download Riding With Honor Series (5 & 6) by Rebecca M. Avery (.ePUB)

Riding With Honor Series Rebecca M. Avery (#5 & #6)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 231kb, 238kb
Overview: Welcome to my world of what ifs and maybe just maybe. The characters and plotlines in my books are a combination of personalities, memories and life experiences that I shoved into a bag, shook up with all my might, then pulled out the result and combined it with my overactive imagination. I sincerely hope you get as caught up in reading these little bits of folly as I did when I wrote them and that you’ll see a little bit of yourself in one or more characters. ~ Rebecca M. Avery
Genre: Romance


Unexpected Ride (Riding With Honor #5): Carla Johnson never really got a chance to grieve the death of her husband. Following the tragedy, life just took over and left her scrambling to keep her head above water. A wedding to help plan for her daughter, two young sons to care for, bills to pay and the need to find a more secure job is stressful enough. Add in nursing one handsome yet stubborn man back to health and some days it all feels like too much. In helping him heal she may have found a potential new career path but only if she doesn’t lose herself in his hazel eyes and sinful smile first.
Detective Greg Sanders understands about human nature more than most but the middle aged mother of three he’s so fascinated by, is a whole other matter. Her need to sweep the past under the rug and pretend it isn’t part of the present not only frustrates him, but fuels the protective instincts ingrained in him as a cop and a man. The quiet, emotional and absolutely lovely woman should be predictable but he is finding her to be anything but. As the least likely person to find associating with a bunch of bikers, he often finds her right in the middle of the group, right alongside his own sister. If she can give those guys a chance, why not him?

Spirited Ride (Riding With Honor #6): Sherri Simons should have divorced TJ Simons the same year he left her. Older and wiser now doesn’t make her any less attracted to him. Working in the shop owned by her brother-in-law only ensures that she sees him more often than she would like. He chose to leave their marriage not her, so before she does finally divorce him, she’ll make sure to rub his nose in his loss.
Trevor James ‘TJ’ Simons walked away from the only woman he ever loved to follow a dream. The dream may have only resulted in a few contacts in the music business, some songs with his name on them and a mass amount of life experience, but it changed him for the better. Coming back to the little Florida town of his childhood to face the woman he never actually divorced might very well re-kindle other dreams from the past. Does he stand a better chance at making it in the music business or should he try his hand at love one more time.

Download Instructions:
Unexpected Ride (Riding With Honor #5):

Spirited Ride (Riding With Honor #6):

Book #1 Rough Ride :
Book #2, #3, #4:

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