Download Revenge by Jayla Talbot (.ePUB)

Revenge by Jayla Talbot (Kent Crime Syndicate Book 1) (
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 988 kb
Overview: Angelo
For ten years, I’ve thought about nothing but revenge. It lived in my veins. Burned my skin.

I was going to bury the man who’d given me these scars. Who’d turned me into the beast. Who relegated me to the shadows.

Then I saw her. A perfect beauty that drove the thoughts from my mind. Until I discovered who she was.

I’d have my revenge.

I’d have her.

Your parents are supposed to teach you right from wrong. They’re supposed to protect you.
But when the beast came looking for my father, he protected himself instead.

Now, I’m trapped with a monster, wondering what I’d done to get here. How I’m supposed to protect myself. My body from him.

But when I start to see the man behind the scars, my heart gets involved.
And that’s when I’m really in trouble.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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