Download Return of the Legendary Lord by Seth Pike, Marcus Sloss (.ePUB)

Return of the Legendary Lord by Seth Pike, Marcus Sloss
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 519 kB
Overview: Levels, War, and a Quest for Domination!

There was once a Lord so powerful that the land trembled in his presence. He conquered his foes with the finest steel, the most ardent troops, and unstoppable magicians of wonder.

But he did not rule alone. As a mighty lord, he reigned over a great and loving family. Whatever problems assailed him, he conquered them with his wives, and while most called him The Legendary Lord, some knew him as the King of Kings. Even though he reigned supreme, peace rarely visits the most astute, and with the chaos, comes the vengeful violence.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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