Download Respawn Series by Arthur Stone (.ePUB)

Respawn Series by Arthur Stone (1-6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 13.6 mb
Overview:Arthur Stone is the pen name of one Arthur Sergeevich Smirnov, a prolific author in the sci-fi and fantasy genres. Born in 1973 in Donetsk, Ukraine, Arthur worked as a geologist, and also in the environmental sector and industrial archeology all over the world. Lives and works in Ukraine.
Genre: Sci-Fi/fantasy

Respawn: Lives 1-5 (Respawn LitRPG series Book 1) Respawn: Lovers Lost (Respawn LitRPG series Book 2) Respawn: 18 and Up (Respawn LitRPG series Book 3) Respawn: Nightmare Mode (Respawn LitRPG Book 4) Respawn: Blade of the Ancients (Respawn LitRPG Book 5) Respawn: The Last Crossing (Respawn LitRPG Book 6)
1. Respawn: Lives 1-5 (Respawn LitRPG series Book 1)
You are no one. Level zero. Empty of mind and memory. Even your past has been stripped from your brain by the inscrutable System.A long, difficult road lies between you and remembering any part of who you are. A road punctuated with one death after another. You are too puny to survive by might alone. Information is the single resource that might keep you alive, but the brainless “digis” have none of it. Only those with experience can give you what you need, but most care nothing about you or your plight. In fact, some make it their mission to kill you.So die you will, again and again, your life counter clicking lower and lower. Even the creators do not know what happens when your counter reaches zero, but many are sure that your last life here is just that. No more respawns.You are not the first player in the world of S.T.Y.X., and you will not be the last. You can only hope luck will be on your side. The luckiest players are those who find a vulnerability in the System. Those they call cheaters.Perhaps cheating is the only way to win.Enjoy your game

2. Respawn: Lovers Lost (Respawn LitRPG series Book 2)
The System is generous. Not with presents, but with predicaments.Cheater now has a straightforward goal, or so it seems to him. To everyone else, his endeavor sounds suicidal for a high-level veteran, never mind a newcomer whose intellect is still shackled by the System.Cheater sees only one way forward: develop his skills, conquer monsters, and become stronger, faster, wiser, and more fearsome with each passing day. Until he makes progress on his own capabilities, he cannot hope to achieve anything else.But the System has intentions of its own. Namely, to hit Cheater every step of the way with unforeseen, unpleasant refutations of his noble plans.

3. Respawn: 18 and Up (Respawn LitRPG series Book 3)
Targets come in all kinds. Some fall prey to those holding a gun for the first time. Others cannot be defeated even by the most experienced shooters in the world, unless their luck comes to save the day. Cheater’s accuracy is unparalleled, and Lady Luck is on his side. He has all the marks of a champion, and champions never miss.The true aim of his heart, though, is not one that can be hit with a single fortunate shot. No, she is far to the west, beyond several of the Continent’s most dangerous locations: the bleak boundaries dividing regions from one another. Solo veteran immunes are little more than clumsy chunks of meat in such places, never mind brash newcomers like Cheater.But Cheater’s not going solo. He has an experienced friend. But loyalty is hard to verify, and you never know when a friend might disown you simply for failing to complete his task by its deadline.

4. Respawn: Nightmare Mode (Respawn LitRPG Book 4)
The Continent is full of all kinds of places, and in some, fear rules every corner. Approaching the worst of these places is beyond the stomachs of most men and women. Entering and crossing them? Even fewer would dare that. And they would only do so with an experienced team or a heavily armored trade caravan, for only in such company would they have a chance of making it.Even then, nothing is guaranteed. In the borderlands, a mighty tank regiment can perish in a matter of moments. The risk of any crossing is colossal.But Cheater has no tank convoy, no trade caravan, no crack team. He has joined a parody of a party, with only one or two experienced members and a handful of unknown wildcards. Some seem so new they wouldn’t cut it in kindergarten. The party leader, meanwhile, acts like a god of wine cast down to the Continent for making cheap beer his new drink of choice. Now this dubious boss consumes an endless stream of warm alcoholic fizz to fuel his life-or-death decisions.The luckiest of players could hardly expect to succeed in such a situation. Cheater, however, has no choice.

5. Respawn: Blade of the Ancients (Respawn LitRPG Book 5)
A wilderness so bare, the sight of a cactus is cause for rejoicing. A place where each step is a challenge to stay alive, a growing summons to howl in pain or perish from thirst.On his shoulders, he carries a heavy rifle that digs into his burned flesh.Worse still is his load of loot. In mass, it amounts to dozens of pounds. But in worth, it is weightier than a palace. Only the luckiest of geniuses could manage to escape a dangerous wilderness, where he is hunted with every step, with such riches on his back.Luck, of course, is something Cheater has plenty of. Genius, though, is less clear. He watches his haul grow with each new place he visits, adding to the physical and emotional strain of his pilgrimage. He begins believing his fate is ruled by a devil who pours wealth upon him that he cannot hope to keep, aiming that Cheater’s greed should weigh him down to death, and to the loss of all.Of course, in a land this hellish, it is best not to speak of the devil…

6. Respawn: The Last Crossing (Respawn LitRPG Book 6)
At first, stories of Cheater caused nothing but laughter and rolled eyes.As the months went on, however, the tales became more terrific—and more terrifying. Now, Cheater the Lovestruck Loser has become Cheater the Lucky Legend. He never misses. He can never be held captive. And his luck never runs out.In pursuit of his love, his inexorable progress eastward leaves a trail of story upon story and corpse upon corpse. Any enemy standing in his way is soon reduced to a stain of blood and black dust on Cheater’s boots.Only one crossing sits between him and his destination. Between him and his soulmate. He is anxious to complete his journey immediately, but his companions seem to stall at every opportunity. Has he been wrong to trust them? Will they abandon or betray him before the end?For some, this perilous campaign will cost them their lives. For others, the cost may be greater still.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 13th June 2021. Thanks to Ash)

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