Download Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia by Arwen Chandler (.ePUB)

Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia by Arwen Chandler
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 274 KB
Overview: Yesterday, Karn Elohite had it all. Today he has nothing.

Handpicked by Lorna, the goddess, to champion her cause, Karn is catapulted into a war as old as the gods themselves. Future uncertain, his power growing, Karn must unite Arcadia’s clans with the most unlikely ally imaginable, the daughter of the enemy Maekel clan.

With his warband and his new-found allies, he must learn to control his magic powers and bring back the age of dragon riders to save his people and the woman he loves from Maekel’s thirst for blood.

Will his new-found power be enough to defeat the power of the Maekel?

Or will the Elohite clan be only a memory?

*Originally published as The Collision of Fire and Ice by Arwen Chandler. This book, Remnant, has been extensively rewritten and updated.*
Genre: Fantasy


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