Download Religion, the Secular… by Linell E. Cady et al (.ePUB)

Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference by Linell E. Cady, Tracy Fessenden
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 15.8 MB
Overview: Global struggles over women’s roles, rights, and dress have taken center stage in a drama that casts the secular and the religious in tense if not violent opposition. Advocates for equality speak of the issue in terms of rights and modern progress while reactionaries ground their authority in religious and scriptural appeals. Both sides presume women’s emancipation is tied to secularization. This volume upsets these certainties by blending diverse voices and traditions, both secular and religious, in studies historicizing, questioning, and testing the implicit links between secularism and expanded freedoms for women. Rather than treat secularism as the answer to conflicts over gender and sexuality, these essays show how it structures the conditions generating them.
Genre: Non Fiction Religion & Spirituality


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