Download Reinventing the Soul by Mari Ruti (.ePUB)

Reinventing the Soul: Posthumanist Theory and Psychic Life by Mari Ruti
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.09 MB
Overview: Essential reading for scholars and students in critical theory, psychoanalysis, and gender studies.

How does the self care for itself in the posthumanist era? What psychic processes might allow the postmodern subject to find meaning and value in its life? Is it possible to delineate a theory of psychic potentiality that is compatible with poststructuralist models of fluid, decentered, and polyvalent subjectivity?

Reinventing the Soul offers a new perspective on what it means to be a human being and to strive in the world despite the wounding effects of the socialization process. Drawing on the rich legacies of French poststructuralism and Lacanian psychoanalysis, Ruti builds an affirmative alternative to the post-Foucaultian tendency to envision subjectivity as a function of hegemonic systems of power. She proposes that the subject’s encounter with the world also necessarily activates the psyche’s innovative potential.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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