Download Regenesis by George Monbiot (.MP3)

Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet by George Monbiot
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 243 MB
Overview: For the first time since the Neolithic, we have the opportunity to transform not only our food system but our entire relationship to the living world. Farming is the world’s greatest cause of environmental destruction – and the one we are least prepared to talk about. We criticize urban sprawl, but farming sprawls across 30 times as much land. We have ploughed, fenced and grazed great tracts of the planet, felling forests, killing wildlife, and poisoning rivers and oceans to feed ourselves. Yet millions still go hungry. Now the food system itself is beginning to falter. But, as George Monbiot shows us in this brilliant, bracingly original new book, we can resolve the biggest of our dilemmas and feed the world without devouring the planet.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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