Download Redemption by DeJay (.ePUB)

Redemption by DeJay
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 346 KB
Overview: Redemption Architect Mackenzie Taylor will tell you she’s married, that love transcends eternity, and vows are meant to be honored. She builds homes through her business, helps to rebuild lives through her volunteer work at a women’s crisis center and strives to build self-esteem in children with special needs as sponsor and coach of Team Bella. What she can’t rebuild is her family. The deaths of her wife, Isabella, and their daughter, Bella, haunt her every breath. While she attended a business meeting they were kidnapped and senselessly murdered. The guilt is all encompassing. Emily O’Brien, a widow, and straight, arrives in town to open KK’s Book Emporium. She lives in the apartment above the store where she struggles to make a new life for herself and her orphaned grandchildren. Renee McVee’s partner, Emily’s daughter, was killed by a drunk driver, on the way to pick up her children from school. Renee’s response to her grief is to drown her sorrows. Redemption takes a gritty look at domestic violence and how it influences the lives of these three women and how they learn to deal with the devastating fallout. It’s also a story of love, old and new. It answers the questions, is it possible to love again? Is it possible to forgive yourself? Is it possible to find redemption?
Genre: Fiction, FF Romance


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