Download Reconciliation (The Bloodlight Chronicles #1) by Steve Stanton (.ePUB)

Reconciliation by Steve Stanton (The Bloodlight Chronicles #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 mb
Overview: Zakariah and Mia Davis have been infected with an alien virus that prolongs life—and as a result, their blood is a valuable black-market staple due to its rejuvenating effects. But the “eternal virus” has not affected their son Rix, and Zakariah is consumed with the search for an active sample to inoculate the teenager against mortality.

To succeed, Zakariah surgically wires his brain for the global computer network, a virtual cyber-economy controlled by avatars. Busted for transporting grain without a permit and on the run from the government and the Eternal Research Institute, Zakariah must travel off-planet through a commercial wormhole, alongside a woman who is seeking the source of immortality for her own purposes.

Now, in the Cromeus colonies on the other side of time and space, Zakariah will risk everything to give his son eternal life . . .
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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