Download Reclaiming Human Rights in a Changing by Christopher Sabatini (.PDF)

Reclaiming Human Rights in a Changing World Order (Insights: Critical Thinking on International Affairs) edited by Christopher Sabatini
Requirements: .PDF reader, 7 MB
Overview: Human rights — and the international institutions that strive to protect them — are under increasing attack from powerful actors on the global stage, from recent political trends even within established democracies and from new technologies. Together, these threats have undermined what had been a fragile international consensus as recently as two decades ago about the importance of concerted international action to protect human rights and punish those who abuse them.

China, Russia, and other nondemocratic regimes have become increasingly bold in acting as if agreed-upon international human rights standards no longer exist, or at least do not apply to them. More broadly, domestic political movements based on nationalism, religion, and populism are challenging human rights norms on nearly every continent. And new technologies — including autonomous weapons systems and relentless digital surveillance — have given national leaders new ways to control or even abuse their citizens with impunity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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