Download Realms of Shadowblood series by Troy M. Williams (.ePUB)

Realms of Shadowblood series by Troy M. Williams (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5.3 MB
Overview: Troy M. Williams has researched and investigated all the different facets of the paranormal over many years, and is fascinated by deep folklore, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. He writes about the fringes of all things strange, with elements of truth in some, and his stories have readers hooked from the very start. Troy has many interests including comics, memorabilia, movie collectables, and coaching his kids in Taekwondo. But it is writing, researching, and world building that keep his mind busy and have done so from an early age. His strong understanding of the paranormal and other subjects he is drawn to continues to feed his creative mind.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Shrill (#1)
Serena O’Halloran moved with her family to the United States from Ireland when she was a teenager. Working in nursing and psychiatry, she lives a quiet but busy lifestyle. There is a secret about her past that is about to rise to the surface—a secret she had long forgotten.
Eric Kirkpatrick lives with his daughter Stacey in Oregon; he is an anthropologist and cryptozoologist. In the course of his research into the sightings of the mysterious Sasquatch, he unearths something far more terrifying than he could have ever imagined. Serena and Eric are drawn together by tragic circumstances when Eric’s daughter is taken by a malevolent force in the dark woods of Klamath National Forest. With the appearance of a strange government agent, dark truths are disclosed, sending them on a journey that will change the pair forever. Serena and Eric must now fight against the dark forces, not only for their lives but also for the very survival of humanity. Can they trust the government agent, or will he lead them into eternal darkness with the rest of mankind?

Fable (#2)
Serena O’Halloran is about to find out that not all faery tales have happy endings. The once peaceful land of Faelynn is being infiltrated by sinister new villains, more terrifying than anything in the recent history of the Fae … the Zeytars. When the queen and princess are enslaved and taken from their realm, the Fae are left vulnerable. Many moons later Princess Shaylee returns with a young companion, Serena O’Halloran, who learns secrets while making friendships and discovers her importance in the realm. But a stir in the dark lands of Xarkynan puts all the Fae at risk from a second, long-forgotten evil. A dark mage has risen and soon the lands are infested with goblins, dark Elvenfae, and creatures created to cause destruction. Shaylee must send the young one back home to her time for her protection. Many Earth years pass … Shaylee and Serena unite once more and are thrust into the middle of a war in Faelynn. To their horror they learn … the dark lord has awoken and is searching for the powerful Tuatha Dé Danann treasure stones, so he can bring about the end of the Fae and the downfall of the once peaceful land. With a spy in their midst, will they have the strength to take on the Zeytar necro-mage and the dark lord, or will the evil destroy them both, along with the rest of the Fae? For Serena, time will tell, but time with the Fae can be costly.

Firestorm (#3)
The worlds are a paradox … Humans and Fae have been swept into the same universe with an evil fixated on destroying them all.
Months have passed since the fall of the Zeytar ships and the downfall of their evil existence, but another darkness has shown itself, leaving the heroes running scared.
Meanwhile, the surviving Fae are trying to come to terms with the recent events of their own war, the losses, and the forces holding them back from returning home.
Serena, battling depression from the loss of her sister, has struggled since she returned with nightmares and guilt, however a powerful vision gives her hope that may help the survivors of the previous war on Earth.
As the sinister force takes over the planet, intent on destruction and the revival of the Zeytar race, humans are enslaved to help the insidious creatures’ plans for success, all while the Fae meet with the heroes from the first war.
Will Fae and humans join forces to conquer the darkness smothering the world or will the latest Zeytar creations destroy them all and bring about the end of both races?
Serena and Shaylee are the key, but can they find each other in time?
Time is something even the Fae don’t have enough of now …

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