Download Otherworld Academy Series by Deacon Frost (.ePUB)

Otherworld Academy Series by Deacon Frost (1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4.2 mb
Overview: Began gaming at the age of 8 and explored a lot of different ways to play table top. When I got older, I experimented with MMOs and found a few I really liked. My first job was mowing lawns as a young teen, and I worked to use the money to pay for fantasy series like DragonLance, Dark Sun, and Forgotten Realms. As soon as I discovered LitRPG I knew I wanted to incorporate it into my writing.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Raven House: Otherworld Academy 01 Second Term: Otherworld Academy 02 Test Flight: Otherworld Academy 03 Empire's Run: Otherworld Academy 04
1. Raven House: Otherworld Academy 01
Levi Walker reached Taryl after a real bad day at college. An angry walk in the rain led to Truck-Kun and a quick trip to reincarnation. If dying wasn’t bad enough, Levi wasn’t off the hook for his higher education.Reborn on Taryl and sent to the Academy, Levi is expected to learn how to wield powerful magics. A glitch in the Reincarnation Network has left him with a new body and no idea what’s going on. He’s been told he has great magical potential, but no one is sure what kind.Now Levi has to accept magic is real, mana vapor makes airships fly and “Horrors” from another dimension feed on unsuspecting victims. If that’s not bad enough, he still has to do homework.Fortunately, Levi has always been a quick study.

2. Second Term: Otherworld Academy 02
Levi has finished the first term on Taryl attending the Otherworld Academy. His break has been filled with working to correct his ignorance in the basics of magic. Now school is coming back into session and all of his friends are returning. Sadly, so are the people he wants to see least.Levi is going to work hard at developing his skills, but now he has to start determining what he’s going to do with his future on Taryl. What kind of jobs can a Demon Lord get if they leave school? Fortunately, he’s got a while to go before he needs to check the job markets.With Nox, Tawny, Flix, and of course Zuzan at his side, Levi is going to tackle anything the school tries to throw at him.

3. Test Flight: Otherworld Academy 03
The Venture has taken flight and set off to explore the dimension of Taryl. Their trip should have been an easy one, traveling from town to town, instead they’re facing monsters and mayhem at every turn.Can Levi and his classmates discover why so many things are going wrong on their voyage?The Demon Lord is taking a semester abroad to find out more about himself, and he’s invited everyone he loves to come along with him.

4. Empire’s Run: Otherworld Academy 04
The Venture returned to the Academy to find it surrounded by the might of the empire. Levi Walker and his lovers must survive while under siege from the greatest military force the dimensions have ever known. With limited supplies, a conflicted student body, and faculty he isn’t sure he can trust, will Levi live to see his third term?The only reason the empire is taking prisoners, is to see them properly destroyed. Join Levi for the Academy’s darkest hour.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 16th January 2023. Thanks to Z)

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