Download Ranger’s End Game by Lee Oliver (MM) (.ePUB)

Ranger’s End Game by Lee Oliver (Northern States Pack Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 127 KB
Overview: Aiden Chalmers doesn’t want much out of life. The inheritance from his grandmother would be nice. After all, he was supposed to get that on his twenty-fifth birthday and that was three months ago. But his father, Alpha Chalmers of the Northern States has insisted he won’t release the money until Aiden has completed a week long training camp. The youngest of six brothers and having suffered a hard upbringing, Aiden figures anything would be worth going through so he could be free of his father. It’s only for a week.
Ranger doesn’t like people and he especially doesn’t like his latest assignment – training a bunch of wannabe alphas for some goodness only knows reason. As the top assassin for the shifter council, he’s starting to think either someone wants him dead, or he’s being punished for a transgression he knows nothing about. But matters take an even stranger turn, when on the very first day of training, he scents his mate.
Things were never going to be easy for Aiden and Ranger. If the training camp wasn’t hard enough, a missing will, the full secret about Aiden’s inheritance and the little matter of Ranger being hired to kill his mate by a council member all add to their problems. If Ranger can keep his mate alive for the week, then maybe they will have a chance at a long and happy future. But it’s a big if.
Genre: MM Romance


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