Download Rage & Fury by Darryl Hadfield (.ePUB)

Rage & Fury by Darryl Hadfield
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 493 KB
Overview: Most of the people in our gang fit into one of three categories. 
The strong-arm fighter types were the ones who guarded our sh*t and who fought other gangs who came to take it (or, hey, the ones who went to take shit from other gangs). They were the ones who usually got the best clothes, shoes, food, and weapons, and… other things.
The scroungers were the next group – the ones who went out and looked for stuff and brought it back to the rest of the gang.  That was me.  We got enough of clothes, shoes, food, etc…  to survive but it wasn’t much.  This is where yours truly fit in, at least early on.  We got what was left after the other groups were taken care of.  That always seemed weird to me, because we were the ones who did the bulk of the work that kept the rest of the gang alive –sure, we weren’t the ones who had to do the fighting or defending, but geez, our gang stole practically nothing compared to how much the scroungers found and collected.
The third group was, well, I didn’t really understand it at the time, but now I’d call them “Morale builders.”  The women who were there for the pleasure of the leader and the fighters.  These would normally also get to slack off, have a relatively easy life, although they sometimes got pushed out to scrounge with the rest of us.  This is where mom fit in, although I didn’t really realize it at the time.

Abused, taken advantage of, ignored, and neglected.. If you get pushed down hard enough, you’ll live up to the expectations of those who expect nothing of you. Fueled by an intense desire for more, with a will to overcome those expectations of failure, James begins a journey that most can’t even begin to comprehend – much less rival. Facing those expectations of failure comes with a personal cost – one that he isn’t sure he’s able to pay. How far will Rage & Fury take him?
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian | Post-Apocalyptic


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