Download Quiet War by Frank Kennedy (.ePUB)

Quiet War by Frank Kennedy (Farewell Amity Station Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.8 mb
Overview: Fragile peace. Murder at the heart of an empire.
Deputy Trevor Stallion survived an interstellar war, found love, a good job, and a chance to overcome a tarnished family legacy. For what? To pass down a crippling genetic disease to his little girl, to see his wife turn to another man, to almost lose the only job that ever mattered.

At 35, the so-called “Forever Deputy’ tries to salvage his crumbling life aboard the massive Amity Station, heart of the forty-world People’s Collectorate. This three-sector city in space houses the Interstellar Congress and leads the way in scientific and technological advances. Built in the wake of war to unify humanity, Amity Station provides a beacon of hope as dark tidings spread across the galaxy.

When a school-age resident with a brilliant mind dies from an overdose of the deadly drug Motif, which is ravaging member worlds, Trevor and his reluctant partner investigate. The mystery sends Trevor into dangerous territory which may unearth a presence no one on Amity foresaw.

Will Trevor bend his principles in search of the truth, all while dealing with his beloved daughter’s struggling health, his brother’s wayward behavior, and the resistance of his superiors? How will fate steal his joy this time? And is anyone on Amity safe?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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