Download Queen of Crows by Katie Roman (.ePUB)

Queen of Crows by Katie Roman (Laurels and Roses #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 240 kB
Overview: Gwen Wyatt is tired of the gods. Cursed by Hades, used by Hera, attacked by Aphrodite, she’s had her fill. But when Hera arrives with a simple proposition; help protect Princess Mary from the scheming Boleyns and Aphrodite and earn the protection of Hera. Gwen quickly finds she cannot refuse the queen of the gods.

Unfortunately, nothing is ever simple. When the daughters of Eris and Aphrodite arrive with startling accusations about the gods and a request for help, Gwen finds herself embroiled in the ancient hurts of Olympus once again.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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