Download Queen For The Orc Lord by Destiny Draco (.ePUB)

Queen For The Orc Lord by Destiny Draco (Orcs of the Dracoverse Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 135 kb
Overview: I never thought a robbery would be the best day of my life.

That was before I met Moakley.

As the only orc on Earth, he shed light on how I looked at life.

Like I didn’t think I enjoyed being tossed over someone’s shoulder and carried off into the woods.

Until a handsome orc did it.

It took one night for Moakley to realize I am his mate.

And I’m not going to miss my chance to be thrown around by that hunk for the rest of my life.

So, it’s time for us to decide.

Which forest will we be spending the rest of our lives in?

Because it doesn’t matter what planet we are on. You’re going to find me by his side…

Or slung over his shoulder!
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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