Download Pyte Series by R.L. Mathewson (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Pyte Series by R.L. Mathewson
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 3 MB
Overview: "Before I tried my hand at writing I was a receptionist, cafeteria worker at the college I attended, museum worker, bellhop, and about a dozen other different things that are pretty embarrassing so we’re just going to skip over those things and pretend that they never happened" – R L Mathewson
Genre: Contemporary Romance

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Tall, Dark & Lonely (Pyte/Sentinel #1)
Things are finally looking up for Madison. After years of scraping just to get by she lands her dream job and finally has a decent down payment for a house so she can move her brother and sister into a real home. It’s too bad nothing ever goes the way it’s supposed to. When the mother that abandoned them years ago suddenly shows up and moves them to New Hampshire Madison has no choice but to go or lose her brother and sister. Shoving her dreams aside yet again, Madison tries to make things work, it’s really cold, her fifteen year old sister acts like a hooker in training, men act funny around her, her boss is a real jerk, she feels like an outsider, her best friend turns out to be a sixteen year old punk, and the incredibly handsome guy renting the room adjoining hers not only hogs the bathroom, taking three showers a day and leaving her with cold water, but he also has a secret. A secret that she becomes a bit obsessed with and can’t let go no matter how many times she’s warned off.

Detective Ephraim Williams learned long ago not to show any emotion or allow himself to get attached to humans. What was the point? They came and went and he remained. This time wouldn’t be any different or so he thought. When his landlady told him her grandchildren were moving in he didn’t expect much, well other than to be left alone. What he didn’t expect was to have to fight bloodlust every time he so much as caught a whiff of his delectable neighbor’s scent or her bombarding him with questions every time she cornered him. If that’s not bad enough a Master from his past has found him once again and is demanding his blood and is willing to do anything to get it, even using the exasperating neighbor that makes him feel more than pain for the first time in centuries.

Without Regret (Pyte/Sentinel #2)
hris Williams is used to making sacrifices. For years he’s done his duty by his family and his calling as he awaited the one person that was meant for him. When she finally came into his life she was nothing like the woman he’d expected. Instead of being the warrior ready to help him protect his family and the humans under his care he got…..

A computer geek named Isabella, who somehow managed to get her name on every Master’s hit list. One minute she admits that she’d made a foolish mistake and the next she’s kidnapped, held hostage by a crazy cult who steals her chocolate and she’s sure is after her program, a program she has no plans on giving up anytime soon. As she tries to keep her wits about her the sexiest man she’s ever seen claims her, only he doesn’t seem to happy about it. It’s clear that he doesn’t want her, but the stubborn man just won’t let her go even when it’s clear that he may not have a choice.

Tall, Dark & Heartless (Pyte/Sentinel #3)
He should have left her and never looked back…….

But, that’s not how things played out for Caine, a nearly one thousand year old Pyte, who should have known better. Instead of walking away years ago, he stuck around and watched over the only woman he’d ever cared about. When trouble finds her, he knows that he should just cut his losses and walk away, but there was no fighting the hold that woman had on him and now they were both paying the price.

Danni didn’t care that she wasn’t technically a Sentinel and was putting her life in danger every time she went out on patrol, because she had a job to do. It was the only thing that mattered to her anymore and she wasn’t going to let it go without a fight. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t foresee her ex-boyfriend selling her out to a Master, being captured, locked up and stuck in a room with the cranky Pyte that broke her heart years ago and wouldn’t stop glaring at her as if their little predicament was all her fault.

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