Download Push Notifications Handbook for iOS & Android by Yair Carreno (.ePUB)+

Push Notifications Handbook for iOS and Android by Yair Carreno
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 60mb
Overview: I recommend this book for any actor who participates in designing, implementing and validating software components for mobile clients on iOS or Android operating systems. Although Push Notifications are only one of the topics in mobile solutions development, it is essential to know it in detail as it is intended in this book.

Dear reader. It is a pleasure to communicate with you and begin this adventure in the world of Push Notifications.

Perhaps many agree with me when considering push notifications as a fantastic mechanism to deliver messages to the user. I think it to be one of the most versatile capabilities that mobile applications have. But let’s be honest, sometimes, during the implementation process of a feature that includes this ability, it can get more complicated than it should, either because the notification is not displayed, or that they suddenly stopped showing, or that they report a very strange bug and difficult to detect.

Thinking about it, I have good news for you, fellow readers. At the end of this book, you will agree with me that Push Notifications are an excellent mechanism to reach the user and that it is not so difficult after all to understand how they work and are implemented. In many cases, the answers are insight in the official documentation, but we get lost when putting all pieces together.

After many work sessions on this topic in mobile applications, I decided to share my knowledge. The two most important operating systems in mobile applications, iOS, and Android, are related. After all, what mobile application nowadays does not use Push Notifications in any of its functionalities?

Surely there will be a considerable percentage that still does not use these capabilities. Still, there is no doubt that it is a matter of time before they need to do so when they notice the multiple advantages they incorporate into an application.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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