Download Protecting Supernatural Series by Bruce Flint (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Protecting Supernaturals: House of the Talismancer by Bruce Flint (1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: I’m a guy writing stories for guys (and the odd lady).
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#1 – Paul Watkins always wanted to believe in the supernatural. Poltergeists, werewolves, witches, he desperately wanted them all to be real.
Then he discovered they truly did exist. And it’s his task to protect them.
After a beautiful woman who claims to be hunted by dangerous men catches a ride, his life changes forever. He’s taken to a strange and magical mansion, told that he’s its new owner, and that he has the power of Talismancy: he can enchant objects, places, and people, infusing them with magical power. Not only that, but the mansion is home to many supernatural creatures, beautiful ones among them, all desperately needing his magic.
Paul’s life will never be the same again. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
But if he wants to keep it, he’ll need to protect the supernaturals.

#2 – Paul and his companions are at Becker State Park, preparing to raise the Mansion and restore it to some semblance of flight. As they do, a group of supernaturals emerge from the woods, battered and frightened. They’ve been attacked by a madman called ‘the Hunter’, who has returned after a long time away. They speak about him with almost mythic intent, treating him like a figure from a dark fairy tale.
Little does Paul know at that moment that the Hunter may prove the demise of himself, his supernatural companions, and the House of the Talismancer.

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