Download Prophecy of Solstice’s End by Diantha Jones (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Prophecy of Solstice’s End by Diantha Jones (Oracle of Delphi #3)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI Reader; Size: 1.4 MB (.zip file)
Overview: Nothing but lies (some of them her own) and deceit have brought Chloe to Olympus for the Solstice Olympic Games. As the Oracle and the special guest of the King of Myth, Chloe becomes immersed in a life of unfathomable luxury, taunting history, and overwhelming excitement. Though scheming and untrustworthy, the gods remain on their best behavior as the tension and anticipation builds around the outcome of the Quest of the Twelve Labors, the deadliest competition of the Games. All seems well on the celestial front… until athletes start turning up dead and a philosopher missing for months returns with a most terrifying story…
But that’s not all.
As Strafford confronts his troubled past and more is learned about the Great Unknown Prophecy, Chloe grows close to another, setting off a chain of events that will bring her face-to-face with a truth that will rock both of her worlds to their core.
And it’ll all happen before Solstice’s end…
Genre: Young Adult > Fantasy


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Books 1 and 2: Prophecy of the Most Beautiful and Prophecy of the Setting Sunrise

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