Download Prince of Ink & Scars by Raya Morris Edwards (.ePUB)

Prince of Ink & Scars by Raya Morris Edwards (The Welsh Kings Trilogy Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.3 mb
Overview: Caden

After a difficult start, top Mafia commander in the Welsh Organization, Caden Payne is ready to turn over a new leaf. And with that resolution comes his biggest mission yet—full management of a multibillion dollar private security training base.

The only problem?

In order to get the funding, he’s been paired up with the daughter of the project’s beneficiary—their biggest competitor and rival, Johansen Enterprises.

Circe Johansen isn’t his type. And he’s definitely not interested in her like that, despite having to work closely with her to complete his mission. But the biggest shock isn’t that he falls hard and fast…it’s the secrets she reveals that just might break his heart.


Good girl, billionaire heiress, Circe Johansen is the perfect daughter. Raised to take over her father’s empire, she’s finally stepping into the role of COO. And with that comes her biggest mission yet.

Unfortunately, it’s alongside tattooed, mafia bad boy, Caden Payne.

She’s determined to come out on top. The only problem—he’s nothing like she thought he would be. And when she gets a taste of what’s beneath his rough exterior, she just keeps coming back for more.

Until she’s not sure anymore whose side she’s on.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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