Download Primal Matters by Adryan Gyllklint (.ePUB)

Primal Matters by Adryan Gyllklint (Metal Wasteland #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 302 KB
Overview: When you’re doomed to live forever, how do you put an end to an empty existence? The year is 2074. The Great Wars left the world in utter devastation. The supreme powers had only one goal in their minds: to preserve humanity at all costs. And, so, they joined forces to build Neurocity 1. Here, death is unnatural and suicide a thing of the past. This new world’s greatest creation, the Neuromesh, rendered human acts of self-destruction impossible. But what the supreme powers didn’t account for was humankind’s innate need for purpose. Now that death is no longer an option, Neurocity 1’s inhabitants are plagued by a new disease — restlessness. All at once, the choice to end one’s life has become more alluring than their continued pathetic existence. When you’ve seen and experienced it all, what’s left? Humankind now finds ways to end their lives instead of subsisting in the squalor and the constant eerie chaos of trying to scratch together a measly living. But their best chances of death in this cut-throat world rests in the hands of those known as the Primals — Death’s modern-day instruments. Mason Madchap is one of the best Primals in the New World. But, as Primals are being hunted down – then killed, if they’re lucky – he needs to find ways to navigate this metal wasteland and survive. Will he come out triumphant?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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