Download Practical Memory Forensics by Svetlana Ostrovskaya (.PDF)

Practical Memory Forensics – Jumpstart effective forensic analysis of volatile memory by Svetlana Ostrovskaya, Oleg Skulkin
Requirements: .PDF reader, 22 MB
Overview: A practical guide to enhancing your digital investigations with cutting-edge memory forensics techniques

Key FeaturesExplore memory forensics, one of the vital branches of digital investigationLearn the art of user activities reconstruction and malware detection using volatile memoryGet acquainted with a range of open-source tools and techniques for memory forensicsBook Description

Memory Forensics is a powerful analysis technique that can be used in different areas, from incident response to malware analysis. With memory forensics, you can not only gain key insights into the user’s context but also look for unique traces of malware, in some cases, to piece together the puzzle of a sophisticated targeted attack.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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