Download Poor Man at the Gates series by Andrew Wareham (.ePUB)+

Poor Man at the Gates series by Andrew Wareham (Books 2-5, 12)
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 4.7MB / 1.1MB
Overview: The highly acclaimed A Poor Man at the Gate series follows the fortunes of young Englishman Tom Andrews, a petty smuggler turned ‘pirate’ and his friend Joseph Star, a part-Carib freed slave. After making a small but illicitly gained fortune aboard a privateering ship in the Caribbean and later in New York at the time of the Revolutionary War, they are betrayed and forced to flee to England.

They settle in industrial Lancashire at the beginning of the first great industrial boom; as unscrupulous businessmen they quickly become very rich. Wealth allows Tom to buy a landed estate where he hopes to be accepted by the local aristocratic families. This expansive and meticulously-researched historical saga tells of Tom and Joseph’s triumphs and disasters as they aspire to create powerful dynasties to rival any in England.
Genre: Fiction, Historical

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#2 – Nouveau Riche
Follows Tom Andrew’s rise to the fringes of political power and social respectability. All seems to be going smoothly until a shady character from his dubious days in New York at the time of The American Revolutionary War, unexpectedly turns up in London. This was never a part of Tom’s plans. Is his past catching up with him, and will it spell disaster for his social and political ambitions?

#3 – Born To Privilege
Tom is now married with teenage children and exerts an increasing influence in the corridors of power. Both Tom and Joseph’s offspring go out into the world as part of their passage into adulthood. Tragedy befalls the Star family when two of Joseph’s boys find themselves on different sides of a battle at sea. Family members are also involved in dubious adventures in America. Although a land of opportunity, being an Englishman in the States in the years following the 1812 war doesn’t come without risks.

#4 – Pain Of Privilege
Tom and Lady Verity have set out their plans for the family and intend to place their dynasty in a position of economic, social and political leadership in England. Captain Matthew Star returns to England and makes a love match with their daughter, Charlotte, much to her mother’s displeasure.

With thousands of ex-military men now unemployed, riots and machine-breaking become a commonplace in the industrial areas, while rick-burning, poaching and disorder occur in almost every part of the countryside. The problem of unemployment in and around Tom’s estate is solved by encouraging a shipload of local families to emigrate to America. Henry Star continues to prosper in New Orleans, operating mostly on the fringes of legality and becomes engaged in some shady dealings with the equally shady, Colonel Miller. Tom’s life falls apart after tragedy strikes at the heart of his family.

#5 – Privilege Preserved
Tom Andrews and Joseph Star’s sons enjoy success in the world of commerce. In America, Henry Star is growing wealthy from illicit deals, but is implicated in a murder. Meanwhile, the settlers in New York State are facing dangers as disease strikes. There are shady dealings in Bombay involving slaves and opium-running.

#12 – Victorian Dawn
The families face new challenges as the Victorian Age arrives. It is a new era but many of the old problems persist; food prices remain high, the poor remain hungry and the threat of civil unrest is ever-present. Furthermore, the health of the people is endangered as the cities grow but are unable to cope with swelling populations. The overcrowding increases the risk of deadly diseases, and wealth and social standing afford no guarantee of immunity.

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