Download Podric Moon and the Corsican Tyrant by Barney Broom (.ePUB)

Podric Moon and the Corsican Tyrant by Barney Broom (The Adventures of Podric Moon)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 488 KB
Overview: seventeen year old Podric – a brilliant computer games player – tragically loses his aviator dad in a flying accident. Temporarily losing his interest in computer games, Podric meets Archie Light a computer games writer who rekindles his interest in them.Partly driven by a desire to somehow reconnect with his dad, seeking adventure from his shattered world and driven by a desire to find some new dimension to a computer game – Podric discovers a super highway mind path – an alternative reality – ULTIMATE ALTERNATIVE REALITY: life inside a computer game.Initially disbelieving, Archie changes his tune when he and Podric find themselves in the middle of a Napoleonic Wars game. Adventures have them meeting Admiral Nelson on the high seas, Prime Minister William Pitt in eighteenth century London and ultimately confronting the Corsican Tyrant himself on the battlefield at Waterloo.The rest as they say, is history!
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult


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