Download Pirates! series by E.T. McAllen (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Pirates! series (1-2) by E.T. McAllen
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: E.T. McAllen has spent a lifetime writing. Growing up in the publishing industry with trips through television production, fashion photography and webzine publishing. Unceremoniously landing in the world of high-tech just as it took off. His first love has always been writing and he keeps her picture on his desk. E.T. easily has a first-use claim on the name “E.T.” but would never consider challenging such a wonderfully written and produced product as that wonderful film. You’re safe Steven and Melissa, and I’m honored. He is currently living in one of the planes of the multiverse. One not nearly as wretched as the one you are reading his works in. He pops in to this plane now and then to drop of new works and enjoy a good margarita.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy

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#1 – You Guys?
A thrilling space opera series set in this galaxy in the distant future which, oddly enough, is far far away. Taking an unceremonious jab at every cliché and bending every trope from the greats of science fiction. No opportunity to abuse a science fiction standard is left untaken.

You’ll be transported into a haphazard, possibly deadly, but probably not, race to save the galaxy. Our unlikely heroes turning out to be likely heroes. But, mostly, just trying to have good clean piratey fun, get wasted and laid. Oh, and make a fair profit while saving the galaxy.

Something for everyone… misogyny, criminology, biology, bigotry, technology, philosophy, psychology, mixology, chemistry. The ism’s, ahh the ism’s… sexism, hedonism, nihilism, racism, imperialism, anthropomorphism. Did I mention scimitar fights, epic space battles and deep reflection on the humanoid condition? So, couch-up and prepare to be entertained, amused and enlightened. Ok, that last one was a stretch.

#2 – Into the Fray Darkly
The next thrilling installment in the Pirates! space opera series has arrived. Taking even more unceremonious jabs at the greats of science fiction. Abusing science fiction classics and standards is just so much fun!

The plot thickens in the incredibly dangerous and not very believable race to save the galaxy from a nauseating level of organization. Our heroes’ tiny worlds turned upside down on a galactic scale. The ology’s and ism’s intact and rolling on relentlessly.

Even more scimitar fights, epic space battles and, really, not all that deep a reflection on the humanoid condition. So, couch-up and prepare to be further entertained, amused and enlightened. Enlightened? Really?

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