Download Pierced Hearts series by Cari Silverwood (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Pierced Hearts series by Cari Silverwood (#1, #4)
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 1.25 Mb
Overview: Cari Silverwood is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of kinky darkness or sometimes of dark kinkiness, depending on her moods and the amount of time she’s spent staring into the night.
When others are writing bad men doing bad things you may find her writing good men who accidentally on purpose fall into the abyss and come out with their morals twisted in knots.
Genre: Erotic Romance


Take Me, Break Me (Pierced Hearts #1)
Some of this story is not safe, sane, or consensual and this is not a manual on how to practice BDSM. This is a dark erotic fantasy that also explores the dynamics of a dominant and slave relationship and the evolution of a sadist.
Jodie is scraping the barrel trying to stay afloat. An idea arrives that could rescue her finances and bring her together in a kinky way with a man she never gave up on. She’s terrified and fascinated, and tempted as hell.
Capture fantasies rule her eBook. Re-enacting one in a documentary would surely be irresistible viewing to millions of women?
But Jodie and Klaus discover that underneath an ordinary man dark desires may lurk. What will win in the end? The man and lover, or the monster?

Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts #4)
In this dirty, bloody world we live in, the answers to prayers aren’t always pretty angels.
Retaken by human traffickers, Jazmine’s one hope is ex-cop, ex-mercenary, Pieter, a man with a glower that stops lesser men in their tracks.
She prays he can save her.
But this savior is far from perfect and his flaws may prove as devastating to Jazmine as the torture of her captors.
The fire of dominance never dies.

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