Download Phenomenon by Carol Davis (.ePUB)

Phenomenon by Carol Davis
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 398 KB
Overview: Nineteen years ago, billionaire Jay Hatch found a baby sleeping in the flower bed alongside his koi pond–an infant with very vivid blue eyes… and wings.
Now, that child is grown and restless, desperate to learn where they came from and where they belong in the world. But there aren’t any good answers to those questions until someone with a smartphone finally captures a picture of the Magpie, a thief who’s been terrorizing a growing list of Hollywood celebrities.
A thief with very vivid blue eyes.
The picture wasn’t taken in Hollywood, though. It was snapped in Las Vegas, where mega-mogul Joe Prima is preparing to open Primaventure, a fabulous resort hotel he claims will make Las Vegas a real destination for the ages.
Drawn by that image of the Magpie, Eran—Jay Hatch’s much-loved adopted child—arrives in Las Vegas only to discover that the world they’ve been carefully hidden from for 19 years is a lot more peculiar, and far more dangerous, than they ever imagined. The world’s glitterati may be looking forward to the grand opening of Primaventure, but someone else is determined to see it fail, and they’re willing to tear Las Vegas apart to make that happen…
Unless Eran can stop them.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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