Download Pearl Vampire Chronicles Series by Dara Nelson (.ePUB)+

Pearl Vampire Chronicles Series by Dara Nelson (Books #1, #2, #4, #3, #5 & #6)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI, PDF Readers, 7.34 MB
Overview: Born and raised in northern California, Dara now calls the Tacoma-area of the beautiful Pacific Northwest home. Mother of three grown children and one precious grandson, she now spends her non-work hours (which are few and far between)hiking around Mt Rainier and taking long bike rides – the breathtaking sights not only provide incredible photographs, but the solitude fuels her always active imagination and provide backdrops for her stories.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


1. The Link: It’s a very different world for vampires.
They exist, in small numbers, entirely to control evil and protect the innocent. Their population is controlled by The Elders, five strong, ancient vampires. Only The Elders decide who becomes a vampire or know the process to create a vampire.
Yet, vampire Matthew is deeply in love with human Sarah and desperately wants her with him forever. So, he convinces her, and himself, to embark on a journey. A journey that will take them to the darkest corners of the vampire world – to Mexico, Peru, Nigeria, Cairo, Paris, Haiti and more – hoping that they will find the clues to the change process. Hoping that the clues that they do find are the right ones, because, if they’re not, Matthew could end up killing Sarah. Hoping that The Elders don’t figure out what they are up to stop them, permanently.
It’s a race against time. Time that Matthew has too much of and Sarah doesn’t have nearly enough.
In this first of a series, Sarah and Matthew’s journey is a tale of danger, intrigue, death, deception, love, passion and friendship that will draw you in from the first page, and leave you yearning for more after the last.

2. The Recruiters: Life was idyllic for husband and wife vampires, Matthew and Sarah Pearl….or was it? Sarah’s nightmares trigger a realization for them that all is not as wonderful as it seems. In fact, life could be ending for both of them soon, unless they do the unthinkable: kill The Elders – the oldest and strongest vampires in existence. But doing this means going up against the strongest vampire army. Can they doi it? Will they fight alone or get help from some of their friends? Will they survive?

3. Malina’s Revenge: Revenge – to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge. Even the word itself can eat you up. It destroys. It consumes you until all you are is revenge and Malina IS revenge. She can’t help it; her world was destroyed by Matthew and Sarah Pearl.

In this third installment of the thrilling Pearl Vampire Chronicles, Malina’s Revenge takes off at full throttle from the start – with the kidnapping of vampire Matthew Pearl by Malina, one of the Elders who used to control all vampires but were defeated by Matthew, Sarah, Carlos and others when they discovered how corrupt the Elders truly were – and continues at breakneck speed as Matthew’s wife Sarah and best friend Carlos fight their way through crushing obstacles and heartbreak to try and save him before it’s too late.

4. The Return of Jonas: Your past always catches up to you.
That’s what they say – your past always catches up to you. For Carlos, this statement hit way too close to home. The irony that it had popped into his head as he lay trapped on the ocean floor was definitely not lost on him either. His past had caught up to him big time – and it had blown up a ship right around him, tumbling him to the dark hell that he found himself in now. Whether or not he got out of it alive was irrelevant. What he needed to do was warn his best friends, Sarah & Matthew Pearl, of the hell that was coming their way – because not only was his past after him, it was going after everyone that he cared about…and that was only the beginning…..

5. Love’s Challenge: Every relationship is tested at some point, usually more than once.
But for Sarah and Matthew Pearl and best friend Carlos – theirs is put to the ultimate test. Join them in this highly anticipated fifth book in the series, to see what will happen when love and friendship is thrown headfirst into turmoil. After surviving an epic battle with the corrupt vampires (called The Elders) who used to try to control their species, a fight with Malina – the most evil of The Elders, who managed to escape from the battle and came back to seek her revenge, and facing the incredibly evil and cruel Jonas, whom Sarah finally managed to break through to his soft side and become his friend only to see him die while trying to save her – now Sarah, Matthew and Carlos face their greatest challenge yet. A challenge that will see their own relationships with each other pushed as far as they can go. Will Sarah and Matthew’s marriage survive? Will their friendship with Carlos survive? Can the three of them make it through love’s challenge?

6. Sekhmet’s Curse: How do you break the unbreakable curse? How? By doing everything you need to do, including sacrificing yourself. That is the conclusion that Sarah Pearl Delgado comes to when she and her loved ones are faced with Sekhmet’s unbreakable curse. As for how her loved ones Carlos and Matthew feel about her sacrificing herself, yet again, to try to save them? After several dozen choice words, the two of them spring into action and start trying to do a little saving and sacrificing themselves. In this highly anticipated sixth book in the series, find out if anyone will survive the curse that has once again been brought down upon the entire vampire race? Will Sarah, Carlos and Matthew survive their stubborn battles to try to save each other? Will anyone survive Sekhmet’s Curse?

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