Download Peace and Plenty by Sarah Ban Breathnach (.ePUB)

Peace and Plenty by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.08MB
Overview: “When money is plentiful, this is a man’s world. When money is scarce, it is a woman’s world.” Unearthed in a 1932 Ladies Home Journal, this quote is the call to arms that begins PEACE AND PLENTY, Sarah Ban Breathnach’s answer to the world’s– and her own personal– financial crisis. As only Ban Breathnach can, she culls together this compendium of advice, deeply personal anecdotes, and excerpts from magazines, books, and newspapers– particularly those of the Great Depression– to inspire readers who are mired in today’s financial difficulties.

Focusing on her own personal path, Sarah Ban Breathnach will relate never-before revealed details about how she fell from the financial top to the bottom. Readers will immediately see how deeply she understands the plight of those trying to maintain a happy and comfortable home, while at the same time not even knowing if they will be able to make the mortgage to keep that home.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Medical


Download Instructions: (Links updated on 29th July, 2019. Thanks to Isabel)

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