Download Paranormal Majesty Service Complete Omnibus by Michael Anderle (.ePUB)

Her Paranormal Majesty’s Secret Service Complete Series Omnibus by Michael Anderle
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2MB
Overview: Michael Anderle (ok, weird talking about myself in the 3rd person) (1967-Hopefully a long time from NOW) was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble – a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read! Ok, done with all of that 3rd person stuff.

She is crass, has attitude, drinks too much and is the only living agent working for Queen Victoria, the Paranormal Queen. And now she’s been sent to America to help stop a paranormal revolution.
Get the complete series – all 9 books – in this omnibus to dive into this paranormal suspense today!
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


In 1901, Queen Victoria passed away, and took over the responsibilities of the Paranormal Court.
When Victoria ascends to the Paranormal Throne, she acquires the help of a human agent, code-named Rogue.
For well over a hundred years, this human has helped settle problems between the normal and the paranormal worlds.
Usually with massive displays of attitude and disrespect.
And a really, really bodacious set of…guns.
Now, Rogue has been sent to the Colonies to help stop a paranormal revolution.
Is Rogue over her head, or is someone trying to pull a fast one on her?
Either way, America better be ready, because this Paranormal Agent parties like it’s still 1899!

Included in this boxed set:


Download Instructions:

Michael Anderle – Secret – 1.8 MB.

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