Download Panic in Paxton Park by J. A. Whiting (.ePUB)

Panic in Paxton Park by J. A. Whiting (A Paxton Park Mystery Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 249 kb
Overview: This is book 2 in the Paxton Park Mystery series by USA Today Bestselling Author J A Whiting.
Shelly Taylor is settling into her new job as a baker in the mountain resort town of Paxton Park. When she and her friend, Juliet, are out shopping, they hear people in the market discussing the disappearance of a teenager from town. Later that day, a gruesome discovery is made causing a sense of panic to race through the town. As suspects pile up, will Shelly be able to help the police find the teenager’s body and figure out who killed her?
This story has some mild paranormal elements.
Genre: Mystery Cozy


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