Download The Ford Heights Murders by DL Benning (.ePUB)+

The Ford Heights Murders by DL Benning (Your Friends Came to See Me #1)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 728 KB
Overview: Introducing investigative medium Lynn Monroe. Lynn is a self-taught medium who channels inspiration and affirmations for her blog. Her quiet life is thrown into disarray when her estranged and aging Uncle Fred insists that she take over his estate. Lynn’s gifts as a medium soon reveal Uncle Fred’s sinister past. Settling his affairs takes on new meaning when his departed victims seek Lynn’s help in solving their decades-old murders.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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Download Sons of Earth by Michael D Richey (.ePUB)+

Sons of Earth by Michael D Richey
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 893 KB
Overview: Archeologist Dr. Emma McGowan discovers a mystery atop Arizona’s Mingus Mountain inside an unmapped stone crevice – a shaft that makes no sense, nothing formed in nature, so it must be from the world of man. Emma is driven to learn where it came from, built by whom and why? And most importantly, when?

As NASA’s Artemis II mission makes final approach to Earth’s red neighbor, transmissions end for no reason. Moments later, communication ends with the potato shaped moon, Deimos. Mission director Mark Hughes must find the rogue moon and answer to his superiors about Artemis’s demise.

Emma’s remarkable find and Mark’s devastating loss converge when an ethereal man brings them the claim of incredible story, that these events are connected as the results of a plan over a quarter million years old. The original son’s of humanity are returning home to Earth. But are they coming as distant cousins or impending conquerors?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download Cymech by Cable Graves (.ePUB)+

Cymech by Cable Graves (The Cymech #1)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 696 KB
Overview: “No guns. No resources. No aid. No nothing. And I’m supposed to be the hero? I’m as good as dead.”

Gnath Fist is uploaded onto a cloned variation of Earth. As he adjusts to his new circumstances, he’s briefed on his first mission: To liberate the city of Mahns-a-Lore. In order to be successful, he is given a Mech Core and acquires the Cymech class.

There’s just one problem: He’s got no resources, apart from a mangy kid. At least the kid is a savvy engineer. With mere pieces of a mech build, Gnath is supposed to level up and take on dangerous enemies. Oh yea—he’s also got to watch his stabilization. If he doesn’t, he risks dying to the Cyborg effect.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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Download Gross and Ghastly: Animals by Kev Payne (.PDF)

Gross and Ghastly: Animals: The Big Book of Disgusting Animal Facts by Kev Payne
Requirements: .PDF reader, 16.8 MB
Overview: Gross and Ghastly: Animals is an alternative animal factbook, which draws children in with its gruesome nature, but provides essential facts every child should know.

Did you know that seals supposedly have the stinkiest farts in the world? Or that some creepy-crawlies use their poop as a shield so that they don’t get eaten? Learn about all the gross things animals do, with this fantastically gruesome factbook!

Focusing on a range of animals, from creepy critters to foul fish, and what makes them so truly terrible, Gross and Ghastly: Animals is a stomach churning journey that delves into the despicable animal kingdom. Dive down to the depths of the ocean and discover why puffer fish inflate. Explore the Amazon rainforest and see if you can spot the poison dart frog, one of the most toxic animals on earth.

Packed full of facts, puzzles, and games, young readers are sure to learn something exciting about their favorite animals. Including delightfully disgusting illustrations, this is a must-have for every young animal-lover or 6-9 year old who loves a bit of toilet humor!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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