Download Shadow’s Origin by Alice Winters (.ePUB)

Shadow’s Origin by Alice Winters (Demon Magic #0.5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 322 kB
Overview: Etienne:

Having another being in my head isn’t always the easiest to deal with. He’s loud, annoying, and is trying his hardest to keep me from looking at Leo, the sexy police officer who is currently hunting me down for illegal magic use.

I’m not actually doing anything illegal, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use the occasional run-in with Leo to remind him just how much I like him (he’s being dramatic when he claims I tried killing him the last time we bumped into each other).

After Leo dies and I bring him back, it becomes clear that the wrong person knows what I can do. The issue is that we’re stuck inside the city where magic is controlled and fear reigns.

For the first time in my life, I need to give all my trust to someone because together, we’re getting out.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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Download Smart Ask? Questions that lead your team to win by Hal Mayer (.PDF)+

Smart Ask? Questions that lead your team to win by Hal Mayer
Requirements: .PDF reader, 3 MB
Overview: Leaders who lead with questions are often 3 to 10 times more effective than leaders who lead by telling. You might be wondering how that is possible. Let me ask you a silly question: “If you were in a rowboat with your whole team and there were oars for everyone, and your goal was to get to the other side of the lake as quickly as possible, how many of them would you like to have row with you?” Of course, all of them! I told you this was a silly question. But now, imagine your team is gathered around your conference table, and you are trying to figure out the fastest way across the lake – i.e., the fastest way to take advantage of an opportunity that has presented itself. Why would you want to be the only one with your oar in the water? i.e., engaging only your brainpower? Why would you not want to get all of their oars in the water – i.e., engaging all of their brains by asking them, “What do you think we might do to quickly take advantage of this opportunity?” Might it be possible that one of their ideas would be better than any of the ideas you had been thinking about? Have I peeked your interest? I hope so. As you read this book, I will unpack the process for effectively leading with questions.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Download Damaged by Onley James (.ePUB)

Damaged by Onley James (Necessary Evils #3.5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 598 kB
Overview: The first time Dimitri Castallanos experienced obsession, he committed a felony. He was five. Dimitri is a psychopath. And he’s still obsessed with just one person.

Arlo Miller was born a victim, raised as his father’s punching bag and his mother’s scapegoat. Dimitri was his only protection, and they took him away.

As children they clung to each other. As adults, they pretend neither remembers, while both harbor secret crushes. Dimitri hides his feelings behind a mask of indifference. Arlo hides his by falling for very bad men.

When one of those men confronts Dimitri, this time Arlo commits a felony. Murder. But Dimitri won’t allow Arlo to take the fall. With the help of Dimitri’s mother and seven psychopaths, they now have twenty-four hours to fake an alibi, hide a body, and confess their true feelings for each other once and for all. Which is harder? Falling in love or getting away with murder?

This can be read as a stand-alone but these characters do make a cameo in Headcase, Necessary Evils Book 4.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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Download A Christmas Promise by Shane K. Morton (.ePUB)+

A Christmas Promise by Shane K. Morton (Point Pleasant Holiday Short)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI, .PDF Reader, 569kb
Overview: Danny and Blake come to an understanding about the future of their relationship. This takes place 1 month after the events of Something Borrowed Something Boo (Book1) of The Point Pleasant Holiday Series. Can be read as a standalone.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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Main series

Download Meteor by Brad Knight (.ePUB)

Meteor by Brad Knight
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 164 KB
Overview: Troy has spent thousands of dollars building an underground bunker in preparation for what he believes will be a pending apocalypse. His family, and most of his friends, think him crazy. But when a massive meteor slams into Africa, sending soot and debris into the atmosphere and leaving the world in perpetual darkness, Troy’s prepping is the only thing keeping his family alive. With food shortages, acid rain and a breakdown of civilization, will Troy’s caution be enough to survive and last what is to come?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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