Download De Bucketlist by Annette van Luyk [DUT] (.ePUB)

De Bucketlist by Annette van Luyk
Requirements: ePUB Reader / 743.5 KB
Overview: 10 bestemmingen 10 opdrachten 10 bijzondere verhalen Diana krijgt na de dood van haar vriend Jaap, met wie ze twee jaar een relatie heeft gehad, een ongebruikelijk testament in handen. Daarin vraagt hij haar verschillende plekken in de wereld te bezoeken die speciaal voor hem zijn, maar waar hij door zijn vrij plotselinge dood na een kort ziekbed niet meer met haar naar toe kan gaan. Op elke bestemming ontmoet ze iemand uit het verleden van Jaap en al haar onkosten worden vergoed. In de eerste instantie is ze wat sceptisch en twijfelt ze of ze aan zijn laatste wens wil voldoen zonder zijn gezelschap. Maar de geheimzinnige erfenis die ze aan het einde van haar reis zal ontvangen maakt haar dusdanig nieuwsgierig dat ze besluit de uitdaging aan te gaan. Het wordt een reis vol verrassingen langs Jaaps bewogen leven. Een avontuurlijke feelgood-roman vol persoonlijke verhalen en een tikkeltje spanning.
Genre: Romance


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Download Als drie druppels water by Linda Groen [DUT] (.ePUB)

Als drie druppels water by Linda Groen
Requirements: ePUB Reader / 674.2 KB
Overview: Lucy verwerkt de dood van haar beste vriendin Jess in Clifford’s Cove aan de oostkust van de VS. Daar wordt ze aangestaard door de bewoners. Ze lijkt sprekend op Louise, een meisje dat jaren geleden op onverklaarbare wijze is verdwenen. Met Ally, die ook op haar lijkt, begint Lucy een zoektocht naar de toedracht van de verdwijning van Louise en worden daarbij geholpen door twee plaatselijke agenten. Hoe meer van het mysterie wordt ontrafeld, hoe meer vragen er bovenkomen. Linda Groen (1972) is geboren en getogen in Nederland. Sinds 2000 woont ze met haar kinderen en katten in een stadje in Zuidwest Frankrijk. Ze is zelfstandig tekstschrijfster en vertaalster. ‘Als drie druppels water’ is haar debuutroman.
Genre: Romance


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Download Political Correctness by Geoffrey Hughes (.ePUB)(.AZW3)(.PDF)

Political Correctness- A History of Semantics and Culture by Geoffrey Hughes
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 4.35 MB
Overview: In this carefully researched, thought-provoking book, Geoffrey Hughes examines the trajectory of political correctness and its impact on public life. Focusing on the historical, semantic, and cultural aspects of political correctness, it will intrigue anyone interested in this ongoing debate.

– A unique and intriguing journey through the trajectory of political correctness and its impact on public life, focusing on the historical, semantic, and cultural aspects of what PC means

– Explores the origins, progress, content and style of political correctness, discussing and analyzing around one hundred terms and lexical formations, from Chaucer and Shakespeare, Marlowe and Swift, to nursery rhymes, rap and Spike Lee films, David Mamet, J. M. Coetzee and Philip Larkin

– Offers a detailed semantic analysis of the way that key words have been exploited both to advance the agendas of political correctness and to refute them
Genre: Non-Fiction > History > Culture > Political Correctness


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Download Empire of Salons by Helen Pfeifer (.PDF)

Empire of Salons: Conquest and Community in Early Modern Ottoman Lands by Helen Pfeifer
Requirements: .PDF reader, 3.6 MB
Overview: A history of the Ottoman incorporation of Arab lands that shows how gentlemanly salons shaped culture, society, and governance Historians have typically linked Ottoman imperial cohesion in the sixteenth century to the bureaucracy or the sultan’s court. In Empire of Salons, Helen Pfeifer points instead to a critical but overlooked factor: gentlemanly salons. Pfeifer demonstrates that salons—exclusive assemblies in which elite men displayed their knowledge and status—contributed as much as any formal institution to the empire’s political stability. These key laboratories of Ottoman culture, society, and politics helped men to build relationships and exchange ideas across the far-flung Ottoman lands. Pfeifer shows that salons played a central role in Syria and Egypt’s integration into the empire after the conquest of 1516–17. Pfeifer anchors her narrative in the life and network of the star scholar of sixteenth-century Damascus, Badr al-Dīn al-Ghazzī (d. 1577), and she reveals that Arab elites were more influential within the empire than previously recognized. Their local knowledge and scholarly expertise competed with, and occasionally even outshone, that of the most powerful officials from Istanbul. Ultimately, Ottoman culture of the era was forged collaboratively, by Arab and Turkophone actors alike. Drawing on a range of Arabic and Ottoman Turkish sources, Empire of Salons illustrates the extent to which magnificent gatherings of Ottoman gentlemen contributed to the culture and governance of empire.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download White Haven Hunters Series by TJ Green (.ePUB)

White Haven Hunters Series (1-3) by TJ Green
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.7MB | Retail
Overview: I write books about magic and mystery, and myths and legends, and they’re action packed!

My YA series, Rise of the King (previously called Tom’s Arthurian Legacy), is about a teen called Tom and his discovery that he is a descendant of King Arthur. It’s a fun-filled clean read with a new twist on the Arthurian tales.

My second series is adult urban fantasy and is called White Haven Witches. It’s packed with magic, action, and a little bit of romance.

White Haven Hunters is my latest series, and is a spin-off from the witches – with a bit of a crossover from Rise of the King too!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Spirit of the Fallen
Kill the ghost, save the host.

Shadow is an over-confident fey stranded in White Haven after the Wild Hunt is defeated on Samhain.

Gabe is a Nephilim, newly arrived from the spirit world along with six of his companions. He has a violent history that haunts him, and a father he wants answers from – if he ever finds him.

When they set up in business together with the Orphic Guild, they’re expecting adventure, intrigue and money.

But their first job is more complicated than they expected.

When they break fey magic that seals an old tomb, they find it contains more than they bargained for. Now they’re hunting for a rogue spirit, and he always seems one step ahead.

The fight leads them in a direction they never expected.

Gabe could leave his past behind, or he could delve into the darkest secrets of mankind. Shadow has no intention of being left out.

#2 – Shadow’s Edge
As Shadow and Gabe become more involved with The Orphic Guild, they find out that the occult world is full of intrigue and far more complicated than they realised.

Especially when it seems that someone wants the same thing that they do — the Trinity of the Seeker.

Cause for concern?

Absolutely not. If anything, Shadow is more committed than ever, and relishes pitting her wits against an unpredictable enemy.

And Gabe? When they find instructions that could enable him to speak to his father, he and the Nephilim are more than ready to fight.

Join Shadow, Gabe, and Harlan as they race against an occult organisation that is as underhand as they are.

#3 – Dark Star
A race against time to find a stolen arcane artefact turns out to be far more dangerous than they ever expected.

When an arcane artefact is stolen from the Order of the Midnight Sun, Shadow and Gabe are hired to track it down, pitting them against a new enemy.

The search leads them across the country and tests their resources — and their faith in each other, as fey and Nephilim discover this world is as tricky as the life they left behind.

Harlan, desperate to help, finds himself at war with JD, and suddenly alliances are under pressure. No longer able to trust The Orphic Guild, Harlan is faced with a dilemma that forces him to make choices he never envisaged.

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