Download The Kingdom of Ordinary Time: Poems by Marie Howe (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Kingdom of Ordinary Time: Poems by Marie Howe
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.28 MB
Overview: Hurrying through errands, attending a dying mother, helping her own child down the playground slide, the speaker in these poems wonders: what is the difference between the self and the soul? The secular and the sacred?

Where is the kingdom of heaven?

And how does one live in Ordinary Time during those periods that are not apparently miraculous?
Genre: Non-Fiction > General > Poetry > Poems


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Download Me & Mom vs. the World by Jo Whittemore (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Me & Mom vs. the World by Jo Whittemore
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 3.54 MB
Overview: Tori Porter is best friends with her mom, and most of the time it’s awesome. Not many girls have a mom who’d take them to a graveyard for hide-and-seek or fill the bathtub with ice cream for the world’s biggest sundae. But as much as Tori loves having fun, she sometimes wishes her mom would act a little more her age. Like now.

Thanks to her mom’s poor financial planning, they are in danger of losing their business and their home. But an unusual opportunity arises in the form of a bizarre contest run by an eccentric relative: Whoever can survive two weeks in the Archibald Family’s colonial manor will inherit the property. The catch? Contestants have to live as in colonial times: no modern conveniences, no outside help, and daily tests of their abilities to survive challenges of the time period.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult > Action & Adventure


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Download 3 Horror/Bizarre Books by Chris Kelso (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

3 Horror/Bizarre Books by Chris Kelso
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 12.6 MB
Overview: Chris Kelso’sKelso is a genre writer, illustrator, editor, and journalist. He is the winner of the Ginger Nuts of Horror Novel of the Year 2016 (for Unger House Radicals’), and ‘The Black Dog Eats the City’ made Weird Fiction Reviews Best of 2014 list. He has also been printed frequently in literary and university publications across the UK, US, and Canada. He and Garrett Cook are the co-creator of ‘The Imperial Youth Review.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Horror > Bizarre

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The Black Dog Eats the City:

You just can’t win.
You feel it before you see it, The Black Dog – the Cimmerian demon with baleful breath, diminishing the light wherever it tracks… the size of a large calf, its footfalls are silent – the portents of death hidden behind caliginous evil. It squeezes into the soul. You know it because he scrunches your stomach into a tight paper-ball and forces it out through your anus. Then you’re a goner… You just can’t win.


Part-time hitman/ exterminator, Ignius Ellis’s dream is to buy a candy-apple red Nova Supreme. In the process of trying to earn enough cash to make his dream come true, he gets sucked into the rough world of Visitacion Valley, SF. When the tenants in his apartment complex reveal their various extracurricular activities this takes an even more bizarre twist and Ellis soon becomes acquainted with the nightmarish Slave State dimension.

Unger House Radicals:

When aspiring and nihilistic film-maker Vincent Bittacker falls in love with mercurial serial-killer Brandon Swarthy they decide to embark upon a bloody journey to re-define cinema and create their own sub-culture – Ultra-Realism.

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Download Sinners & Saints Series (#1-3) by Victoria Christopher Murray (.ePUB)

Sinners & Saints Series by Victoria Christopher Murray, ReShonda Tate Billingsley (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 9 mb
Overview: VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY is the author of ten Essence bestselling novels, including The Ex Files; Too Little, Too Late; and Lady Jasmine. Winner of the African American Literary Award for Fiction and Author of the Year (Female), she splits her time between Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
An award-winning television and radio journalist, RESHONDA TATE BILLINGSLEY is the author of twenty-one books and has appeared on the Essence bestseller list more than twenty times. She is married with three small children and lives in Texas.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Book 1 – Sinners & Saints
Bestselling and award-winning novelists Victoria Christopher Murray and ReShonda Tate Billingsley bring their favorite heroines together in a novel that will delight their legions of fans.
Jasmine Larson Bush and Rachel Jackson Adams are not your typical first ladies. But they’ve overcome their scandalous and drama-filled pasts to stand firmly by their husbands’ sides.
When a coveted position opens up—president of the American Baptist Coalition—both women think their husbands are perfect for the job. And winning the position may require both women to get down and dirty and revert to their old tricks. Just when Jasmine and Rachel think they’re going to have to fight to the finish, the current first lady of the coalition steps in . . . a woman bigger, badder, and more devious than either of them.
Double the fun with a message of faith, Sinners & Saints will delight readers with two of their favorite characters from two of their favorite authors.

Book 2 – Friends & Foes
When the bestselling authors of Sinners & Saints bring back their outrageous first ladies in this sassy, witty, and poignant sequel!
Now that Rachel Jackson Adams’s husband has won the coveted position of president of the American Baptist Coalition, Jasmine Larson Bush has concocted a scheme to one-up her rival—by promoting her new community center on the nation’s #1 television talk show! The power play won’t stop Rachel, who jets from Houston to Chicago to sabotage Jasmine’s TV appearance. But Chicago is the last place Rachel should be when one of the Coalition’s heaviest hitters turns up dead— and Rachel looks guilty as sin. Will her nemesis leave her stranded and let her take the rap? Or will Jasmine help Rachel hunt down a killer? Could danger this deep turn the enemies into BFFs? After all, miracles do happen. . . .

First ladies of the Baptist church and sworn frenemies Rachel Jackson Adams and Jasmine Cox Larson Bush are stunned to learn they may have more in common than they thought like who’s their daddy in the scandalous new collaboration between national bestselling and award-winning authors ReShonda Tate Billingsley and Victoria Christopher Murray.

A heated American Baptist Coalition election. A murky murder cover-up. An outrageous reality TV show. What in heaven’s name kind of drama will holy rivals Rachel Jackson Adams and Jasmine Cox Larson Bush prominent first ladies of the Baptist church get themselves into next?

Book 3 – A Blessing & a Curse
Since he first met Jasmine, Rachel’s father Simon Jackson has had a funny feeling about her. She eerily resembles his first teenage love. After doing some digging, Simon makes a shocking revelation Jasmine may be his daughter. Rachel thinks the idea is absurd, but to pacify her ailing father, she sets out to debunk his theory.

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Download Myth of Republicanism Renaissance Italy by Fabrizio Ricciardell (.PDF)

The Myth of Republicanism in Renaissance Italy (Cursor Mundi) by Fabrizio Ricciardelli
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: The period between the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries saw significant discussion in Italy about the two different political models of republicanism and seignorialism, reaching a climax at the end of the Trecento when the most influential scholars of Florence and Venice began to attack the despotism imposed on Milan by the Visconti. The arguments put forward by both sides were largely predictable: supporters of a Republic argued that liberty–represented by an elective government and independence from foreign powers–was of greatest importance, while those in favour of seignorialism instead claimed that they brought order, unity, and social peace. In this book, the two systems of government represented in Italy are revisited, the arguments put forward by their supporters are compared and contrasted, and the development in the use of political language, especially in the city-states of Central and Northern Italy, is explored. The reality, it is suggested, is that the political systems of republicanism and seignorialism were not so very different. Republican governments ignored universal suffrage, those supported by signori did not always run totalitarian governments, and in both cases, power continued to be held by recurring oligarchical groups who were unwilling to enter into constructive dialogue with their opponents. However, as the two sides fought for power, the political arena became the testing ground for new forms of communication that could be used to manage and manipulate public opinion.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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