Download Alcohol & its Role in the Evolution by Ian Hornsey (.ePUB)

Alcohol and its Role in the Evolution of Human Society by Ian S Hornsey
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5 MB
Overview: Archaelogists and anthropologists (especially ethnologists) have for many years realised that man’s ingestion of alcoholic beverages may well have played a significant part in his transition from hunter-gatherer to agriculturalist. This unqiue book provides a scientific text on the subject of ‘ethanol’ that also aims to include material designed to show ‘non-scientists’ what fermentation is all about. Conversely, scientists may well be surprised to find the extent to which ethanol has played a part in evolution and civilisation of our species.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download The Prank by L. V. Matthews (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

The Prank by L. V. Matthews
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1MB
Overview: What happens when reality TV goes wrong? El Greene is about to find out.

El lives a quiet life in London until a chance encounter leads her to discover a link between a hit reality TV show and her father’s death.

El realises she can orchestrate the perfect revenge but her pursuit soon turns to obsession and she doesn’t seem to know how to stop. Her drive for destruction means risking her life, and the lives of those closest to her . . .
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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Download Facebook For Dummies 2018 by Carolyn Abram (.ePUB)

Facebook For Dummies, 7th Edition 2018 by Carolyn Abram,‎ Amy Karasavas
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 17 MB
Overview: Take control of your Facebook profile

When you join Facebook, you’re joining a community with over two billion people spread around the globe. It helps to have the insight on not only how to set up your profile and add content, but also how to make sure you control who sees—and doesn’t see—your posts. Facebook For Dummies provides the trusted guidance you need to set up a profile, add content, and apply the many tools Facebook provides to give you control of your content.

Primarily known as a way for individuals to share information, photos and videos, and calendar invitations, Facebook has gained prominence as a means to spread news, market products, and serve as a business platform. Whatever you’re looking to use it for, this book shows you how to use all the features available to make it a more satisfying experience.

Build your profile and start adding friends

Use Facebook to send private messages and instant notes

Discover ways to set privacy and avoid online nuisances

Launch a promotion page

Get ready to have a whole lot of fun on the largest social network in the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download The Secret Language of Influence by Dan Seidman (.ePUB)

The Secret Language of Influence: Master the One Skill Every Sales Pro Needs by Dan Seidman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: Great selling is invisible. Influence occurs at a level just below the buyer’s awareness. That’s important because today’s buyer is savvy and all too familiar with traditional selling techniques. However, a few simple words-the right words-can transform an awkward sales call into a comfortable conversation and a resistant prospect into a happy customer. Some people, for example, want to hear about the money they’ll save, while others respond to the pain they’ll avoid. By identifying different ways buyers are motivated, salespeople can quickly customize their conversations and lead prospects to “yes.” The Secret Language of Influence reveals the best ways to approach buyers who are: Motivated by benefits vs. problems * Proactive vs. reactive * Big-picture vs. detailoriented * Systems thinkers vs. creative minds * Influenced by external feedback (testimonials, evidence) vs. internal factors (feelings, personal experiences, beliefs) From the use of storytelling, humor, and emotion-evoking language to words to avoid and questions that advance the sale, this entertaining and practical book demonstrates the power of words to break down resistance and change buyers’ minds.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Download Redemption by Anne Mahon (.ePUB)

Redemption: Stories of Hope, Resilience and Life After Gangs by Anne Mahon
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5 MB
Overview: Why do people join gangs? Once entrenched in a life of crime with its realities of incarceration, addiction, power and money, is it possible to ever walk away?

This triumphant collection of nine personal life stories from ex-gang members enlightens, surprises, inspires and perhaps answers these questions. These first-person accounts illuminate the harsh reality of living as a marginalized person, often neglected and in poverty. Unexpectedly, their stories share heartfelt commentary on topics such as peace, joy, forgiveness and hope.

Readers will be challenged to question their own preconceived notions as they are given an illuminating look at individual lives behind the crime statistics.

This book covers territory that often doesn’t get into the news media. It creates connection through our shared humanity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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