Download Borderwaters by Brian Russell Roberts (.PDF)

Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America by Brian Russell Roberts
Requirements: .PDF reader, 37 MB
Overview: Conventional narratives describe the United States as a continental country bordered by Canada and Mexico. Yet, since the late twentieth century the United States has claimed more water space than land space, and more water space than perhaps any other country in the world. This watery version of the United States borders some twenty-one countries, particularly in the archipelagoes of the Pacific and the Caribbean.

In Borderwaters Brian Russell Roberts dispels continental national mythologies to advance an alternative image of the United States as an archipelagic nation. Drawing on literature, visual art, and other expressive forms that range from novels by Mark Twain and Zora Neale Hurston to Indigenous testimonies against nuclear testing and Miguel Covarrubias’s visual representations of Indonesia and the Caribbean, Roberts remaps both the fundamentals of US geography and the foundations of how we discuss US culture.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Mapping Connectivity & Making of European by Filipe Dos Reis (.PDF)

Mapping, Connectivity, and the Making of European Empires (Global Epistemics) edited by Filipe dos Reis, Luis Lobo-Guerrero, Laura Lo Presti
Requirements: .PDF reader, 77 MB
Overview: This volume seeks to collectively explore how maps can be used to understand the making of European empires, how the epistemological practices embedded in them can be approached to understand European imperial space-making, and how maps can be seen as representations of imaginaries of connectivity.

Rehearsing mapping’s past and its multifarious relations with European imperial orders is not merely an historical exercise to contribute to a global history of cartography. What binds the several interventions is rather an awareness that looking at a particular moment of the past with composite methodologies and interdisciplinary gazes may harbour potential discoveries on the context-embedded relations between mapping, connectivity, and European empire to which we are not yet attuned.

By exploring the imaginaries of the world in the mapping of Western modern empires, the book also links to the burgeoning literature on the history of international relations and empire. The emphasis on empires serves here as an important corrigendum for IR’s state centrism and Eurocentrism and contributes to further erode the myth of Westphalia.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Powerful by Nirupama Subramanian (.ePUB)+

Powerful: The Indian Woman’s Guide to Unlocking Her Full Potential by Nirupama Subramanian
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 2 MB
Overview: Power: a word that’s as dissociated from women in real life as it’s seen to be embodied by them through ideas of Shakti. Reduced to mere tropes in Indian mythology – the innocent Kanya, seductive Apsara, warrior-like Veera, the noble Rani, nurturing Maa, the wise Rishika – the images of feminine mystique are reservoirs of power.

Changing the conversation from how these stereotypes shackle women to how they can enable them, Nirupama Subramanian uses the wisdom of archetypes to provide practical advice to women to claim the powers they need to achieve their goals.

In a world where biases precede their entry into every space, Powerful helps modern women understand their sources of power and embark on a path of transformation and growth.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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