Download P.I.V.O.T. Lab Chronicles by Michael Anderle (.ePUB)

P.I.V.O.T. Lab Chronicles by Michael Anderle (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 580 KB | 436 KB
Overview: Michael Anderle (ok, weird talking about myself in the 3rd person) (1967-Hopefully a long time from NOW) was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble – a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read! Ok, done with all of that 3rd person stuff.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Previously published as a part of Too Young To Die

1. Unexpected Opportunity
Would you be willing to chance dying to come out of a coma? Would you do the same if it was your son’s life? Mary and Senator Tad Williams pushed their son Justin to go on a date that went horribly wrong. Now, they try to figure out a way to help their son out of a coma. At almost $5,000 a day for ICU expenses, their insurance options are running out. Amber, Nick, and Jacob built a new immersive game system for the future. The only problem is, at $800 a day, no one can afford it. Dr. Dubois wrote a paper about how you might help a person out of a coma, but it was crushed under the might of the medical lobbyists on Capitol Hill. Now, the three groups need each other to save a life, fight the establishment, and help a young man in need. The only challenge is, Justin can die in real life if he dies in the game. Will he wake up from his coma? Will lobbyists crush the principled senator who needs to talk to his son one more time? And can Justin possibly survive inside a fantasy world built in his own mind, where pain is real? It isn’t just the future of humanity at stake, it’s Justin’s life, too.

2. Calculated Risk
What do you do when the other side uses your son’s life as a negotiating ploy? Mary and Senator Tad Williams will learn what it means to play hard ball. Can they play just as hard? Amber, Nick, and Jacob now have the responsibility that came with their sudden decision to help a kid. Are they up to the task? Justin is acclimating inside the world. Will his need to connect with another person extend to feelings for a fake character? There is more going on here than dirty politics, questionable business ethics, and cutting-edge science that might kill. Justin has to grow up or he may die. Can his mother ground him? Will his father help when more than a coma separates them? Will Justin wake up from his coma? Will lobbyists crush the principled senator who needs to talk to his son one more time? Can Justin survive in a fantasy world in his own mind where pain is real? It isn’t just the future of humanity at stake. It’s Justin’s life, too.

Download Instructions:
1. Unexpected Opportunity

2. Calculated Risk

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