Download Overcoming by H. R. Kitte-Rojas (.MOBI)

Overcoming by H. R. Kitte-Rojas
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 319 KB
Overview: A Fallacy of Accents Shauna Gales has a lackluster love life, working hard to put herself through nursing school. Her upper-middle-class upbringing by educated parents influenced many of her traits–including her unusual accent. Miles Bowser grew up in the ‘hood. His own love life leaves much to be desired, and his college degree sure hasn’t helped him make a mark on the world, either. A phone call brings these two eccentric souls into each other’s orbit. Mutual attraction builds before they actually lay eyes on each other…and realize they are two different colors. Soon it’s obvious there is something between them much deeper than infatuation…but will their own subtle prejudices get in the way?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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