Download Outrun the Dark by Ruthie Toombs (.ePUB)

Outrun the Dark by Ruthie Toombs
Requirements: Epub reader, 210 Kb
Overview: Lee Stein’s demons are catching up to her and her road-worn, marathon sneakers…
Horrifying nightmares force Lee to constantly relive her bloody act of negligence that took her brother’s life in childhood, not to mention her philandering husband has been tormenting her with a steady stream of mistresses right under her nose. With her marriage in shambles, a shameful secret, and drowning in a miserable pool of empty nest syndrome, Lee begins to feel the quiet tug of a sinister malevolence threatening to rupture from the dark place we all have inside.
Yet when Lee falls for Abby, a captivating young mother, she feels she may have a shot at redemption after all. Happiness, however, can come at a heavy price and Abby’s own bloodthirsty past threatens to destroy that happiness with a true predator’s brutality.
Can Lee harness the monster within to save Abby from a deadly fate and find peace with an ancient guilt? Or will she run back to a murky façade of the perfect life?
Genre: Romance, Suspense, Lesbian FF


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