Download Outlier series by Daryl Banner (.ePUB)

Outlier series by Daryl Banner (Prequels: 00 & 05)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 401KB
Overview: Daryl Banner is an author and composer who graduated magna cum laude from the University of Houston Honors College with a degree in both Theatre and Psychology. During his time in college, he wrote, composed, and produced a musical under Tony Award-winning musical and Theatre producer Stuart Ostrow, as well as two original plays produced under the mentorship of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Lanford Wilson, who also mentored Daryl through the writing of his very first novel.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy | dystopia-and-post-apocalyptic | Romance MM

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The Slum Queen (an Outlier prequel novella) #00
In the Last City Of Atlas, there lived a girl from the slums named Atricia Sunsong who became Queen with one little lie.
Underneath the selfishness and riches and countless young men who shared her bed was a lonely woman desperately trying to fill the hole in her heart left by a certain slum boy from her childhood.
When an uprising threatens to take away her throne and all that she has gained, she must do the unthinkable to save her Queenship before it is too late.

The Twice King: an Outlier prequel novella #05 (MM)
Before the Last City of Atlas existed, there was born a curious boy named Aardgar who could see the history of things with just a single touch.
He never realized his simple gift would take him on a perilous adventure spanning over a thousand years.
In his fateful quest to save the only world he knows, young King Aardgar – a boy no longer – must contend with an onslaught of savage rebels, a jealous Goddess, and even Time itself.
Take the journey with the Twice King and discover the hidden secrets and origins of the vast world of OUTLIER.

Download Instructions:

Books 1 & 2: viewtopic.php?p=3447177#3447177
Book #3: viewtopic.php?p=5267817#5267817

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